AMB-0801 - Suburbs at Night
MUS-0805 - Chase Music
Curtain - open
Lights on (Dark Blue)
Start Hazing
Savannah and Makani come running in from [7]
Savannah: "*gasp* Are they still behind us?"
Makani: "*gasp* *wheeze* Yes, keep going!"
Savannah stops, panting heavily
Savannah: "I can't *gasp* I'm sorry *gasp* I'm completely out of breath *gasp*"
Savannah stops, panting loudly, leaning against the wooden beam.
SND-0801 - nearing footsteps, running, then stopping
Thug1 (off): "Where did they go?"
Thug2 (off): "I saw them turn right … over there, in the yard!"
Makani: "Shit, we've got to hide! Quick!"
MUS-0806 - Hide and Seek
Makani hides behind the shrubbery near [7]
Savannah jumps headfirst into the rightmost trashcan near [1]
Thug1 appears, panting
Thug2 appears, panting
Thug1 (whispering): "Are you sure they went this way?"
Thug2 (whispering): "Yeah, fo sho."
Thug1 (whispering): "They've got to be here somewhere - this is a dead end."
Thug2 (whispering): "Let's check out the trashcans."
MUS-0801 - Suspension rising
Thug1 sneaks up to the first trashcan
Thug1 opens the trashcan suddenly!
MUS-0802 - Orchestral Terror Noise / Tension Falling
SND-0802 - CAT SCREECH / Heartbeat
A cat jumps out of the trashcan
The Thugs jump back in terror
Thug1, Thug2: "AAAAARGH!"
The thugs hyperventilate
Thug1: "Holy crap, what was that!"
Thug2: "It was just a cat, idiot!"
Thug1: "Oh … yeah … still, next one's yours!"
Thug2: "Heh. Coward."
MUS-0803 - Tension Rising 2
Thug2 sneaks up to the second trashcan
Suspension rising
Thug2 opens it suddenly!
Lights out
MUS-0803 (STOP)
MUS-0804 - Orchestral MUSIC OF DOOM
A bright red light and a column of steam shoots up from the trashcan
SND-0803 (cont.) - Deep Rumbling Voice: "ZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL!"
The Thugs jump back in terror
Thug1, Thug2: "AAAAARGH!"
SND-0803 (cont.) - Swoosh
MUS-0804 (cont.) - Tension falling
The trashcan lid falls back shut (Wait for Sound effect to end!)
Lights back on (Dark Blue)
Thug2: "Okay, you check the third one."
Thug1: "No, you check the third one."
Thug2: "No, you!"
Thug1: "No, you!"
Thug2: "No, you!"
Thug1: "No, you!"
SND-0803b - Rusting Leaves
Makani rustles with the leaves, and coughs loudly.
Thug2: "What was that? Did you hear something?"
Thug1: "Yeah, it came from over there in the bushes!"
Thug2: "Let's look."
The thugs walk over to the bushes, and start rummaging around
Thugs: Improvise Dialogue.
SND-0804 - Open Lid
Savannah opens the lid of "her" trashcan, looking out.
Savannah starts swaying from left to right, trying to make her trashcan topple over.
SND-0805 - left-right-left-right-left-fall
The third trashcan sways and falls over towards [7].
Domino Effect: The third trashcan topples over the second one
SND-0806 - BONK 1
Domino Effect: The second trashcan topples over the first one
SND-0807 - BONK 2
Domino Effect: The first trashcan knocks over the beam that holds the tin roof
SND-0808 - BONK 3 / Squeak
Thug2: "Watch out!"
Thug1: "INCOMING!"
Domino Effect: One side of the tin roof falls down, forming a ramp.
The Thugs duck and cover
SND-0809 - Crash / Slide
Domino Effect: The stuff stacked on the roof slides down, hitting the upper side of the see-saw.
SND-0809 (STOP)
SND-0810 - SPRONG!
Domino Effect: The seesaw tips over, catapulting the spare tires into the air.
SND-0810 - Grenade Falling
Domino Effect: One of the tires flies in a nice arc over the heads of the thugs, bouncing off stage to [7]
SND-0811 - Bounce 1
SND-0812 - Bounce 2
SND-0813 - Bounce 3
The thugs get back up.
Thug1: "Phew. That was close!"
SND-0814 - Screeching tires.
Domino Effect: A Hawaiian CHICKN CAB (with two chickens in it) slides in from [7]
(The cab needs to have functioning headlights so we can see what happens next in the dark.)
Thug1, Thug2: "Aaaaaaaaaargh"
The thugs flee towards [1]
Domino Effect: The CHICKN CAB hits the power pole
SND-0814 (STOP)
SND-0815 - CRASH 1!
SND-0815 (cont.) - Chickens: "BA-GOOOOOK!"
Domino Effect: The power pole falls over
SND-0816 - Crackle
Thug1 jumps out of view
Thug2 gets hit by the power pole
SND-0817 - Crash & Electrical Noise
Thug2: "Aaaaaarrhhg!"
The streetlight on the power pole flickers off, and stays off.
Adjust lights to reflect loss of streetlight.
Thug1 stands up, and runs towards the CHICKN CAB
Thug1 (enraged): "For fuck's sake, you fucking dumb ass shit cocksockets - can't you see where you're fucking driving? Come here you stupid-ass turd burglars and I'm gonna bitch slap your burnt shit gay face with my motherfucking spam dagger! What are you waiting for? Come on, you soggy fuckbiscuits!"
SND-0818 - Chickens (talking to each other): Bork bork bork? Bork, bork bork bork!
SND-0818 (cont.) - Car door opens
Chickens get out of the car, suddenly carrying baseball bats
Thug1 (enraged): "Yeah right, come at me pigeon fuckers! Come here and get your shitsnot kicked out of you!"
The chickens start clubbing Thug1 who doesn't have a glimpse of a chance
SND-0819 Chickens (excited): BOOOORK BORK BORKBORK!
SND-0819 (cont.) - Clubbing, Punches, Bones Breaking
Thug1: "Aaaargh! Arrgh! Aaaahhhh!"
Thug1 collapses and is "dead".
(Wait for sounds stopping.) The chickens throw away their clubs and mock Thug1.
SND-0820: Chickens go "neeners, neeners, neeners".
Chickens leave to the car.
SND-0821 Car door opens
Chickens get in the car
SND-0821(cont.) - Car starts (sounding very broken), Motor revs up in reverse
Car starts to move slowly backwards.
SND-0821(cont.) Squeaking and screeching noises
Car disappears from view
Turn off headlights.
Adjust lights to to reflect loss of car lights
Makani appears from his hiding place
Savannah appears from between the trashcans.
They stand next to the dead/unconscious thugs
Savannah: "Well, that escalated quickly."
Makani: "I'm so not looking forward to explaining THAT to the police."
Svannah: "Some things should remain unsaid …"
Makani (chuckles): "Yeah, but first we have to get there."
Savannah: "Monica needs our help now! The police can wait!"
Makani: "Getting the authorities involved is the best help we can give her right now. Come on, let's go."
SND-0822 - Cellphone Ringing
Savannah: "Your phone is ringing."
Makani: "That's not my phone."
Savannah: "What?"
Makani: "It's coming from over there …"
Makani walks over to one of the corpses, and picks up the phone.
SND-0822 (STOP)
SND-0823 - Pickup Phone
MUS-0807 - The Phonecall
SND-0823 (cont.) - Bailey (on the phone): "This is Bailey. I need your
report. Did you get the student and her friend? (pause) Hello?"
Savannah (whispering): "That's your chance. Disguise your voice, and see what information you can get out of him!"
Makani (changing his voice - holding his wing up and talking through it muffled): "Eh … sorry, boss. I just got one bar of coverage … can barely understand you …"
SND-0824 - Bailey (on the phone): "Did … you … kill … the … student … and … her … friend?"
Makani: "Affirmative … Both … dead. Where … can … we … meet … you?"
SND-0825 - Bailey (on the phone): "Clean up … and leave. I have Monica …
Come to pier 24, but stay Out … Of … Sight. Might be a trap … Hurry."
Makani: "Affirmative."
SND-0826 - phone hangup
MUS-0808 - Makani is concerned
Savannah: "Monica is still alive! This is our chance to rescue her."
Makani: "Who do you think we are? Batman and Catwoman? Forget it, we're no superheroes."
Savannah: "She risked her life to save us - we can't just leave her! You can go to the police if you want, but I'm going to the pier!"
Makani: "*impatient sigh* No. If we're splitting up, then I'm going to the pier. You go to the police station. I don't want you getting hurt again."
Savannah: "But …"
Makani hands the phone to Savannah
Makani: "Take the phone - tell the police about Monica. Then go straight to the station."
Savannah takes the phone
Savannah: "But I …"
Makani: "No buts."
Makani walks over to one of the thugs and takes his gun
Makani: "I'll take one of these guys' guns, don't worry. I'll meet you at the station when it's over. See you there."
Makani runs off to [7]
Savannah grumbles.
Savannah looks after Makani and wait until he's gone.
Savannah dials the phone
SND-0827 - Phone Dial 911
Savannah: "Hello? My name is Savannah van Camp. A friend of mine has been taken hostage, Mrs. Monica Rowland. She's been taken to Honolulu Harbor, Pier 24. Please, please hurry - her life is in danger!"
SND-0828 - Hangup
Savannah hangs up
Savannah takes the other thug's gun.
Savannah: "Sorry Makani, but I hate it when people treat me like I can't take care of myself."
Savannah chambers a round
SND-0829 - Ka-Tshck
Savannah: "See you at Pier 24."
MUS-0809 - Cue 9 (ending)
Savannah walks off to [7]
Lights out
Curtain - close